Sunday 11 September 2011

I Went To Arizona To Kill Bugs, I Came Back To Georgia With A Boyfriend.

Four years. Four years until this happened. Some guys have all the patience. 

Post Sciptum: Drue is his name. Keep him in your prayers. I don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into. 


  1. Four years since you've had a boyfriend last? Or four years since you've known Drue? Four years since he confessed his undying love to you?? Ooohh... This is getting juicy!
    Anyways, that is awesome and I am excited for you, crazy girl.
    PS: Yeah for interracial relationships! lol!

  2. Psh, it's been MORE than four years since i've had a serious relationship. It has been four years since i've know Drue. It also has been four years since you confessed his feelings for me.
    P.S. I'm only thinking about the babies. I want to produce supermodels from my body!

  3. I want to hear the whole story, Jeena!! :)
