Monday, 15 November 2010

A Tall Fine Black Man

...I'm just talking about the Atlanta Hawk basketball players. 
 This weekend was a weekend I had to write about. Friday Danielle and I  went to the Atlanta Hawks game. Hawks vs. Jazz. Meet up with Farris, Tysha, Jordan, Allison. Oh the  Hawks lost to the Jazz. Since we had more black men on our team doesn't that mean the Hawks should have won? 
 After the game we to the restaurant called SLICE. Tysha's recommendation. Jazz and Pizza put together. Which mean a bunch of cigarette smokers. So keep that in mind. 
 We also had to drop Farris at his car at the Marta station. Then that's when the question of the night came upon us. When you drop a guy off do you have to wait till he get's into his car/house and starts his car/open his door (like any proper guy should do for a girl)? Answer: That wigga can handle himself! At least he act's like he can. So that's good enough for me. 
 So i guess I should explain this picture. With all the fine men and that one that's not so fine. But I won't.
 That night (actually this whole weekend) Danielle and I had a sleepover. So let me tell ya this girl can eat and sleep! I can't can't even keep up with her eating habits. Maybe this girl needs to be eating this 2lbs burger! (oh i'm still training for this trick, don't you even fret!) and she sleep for like 8-10 hours a day. Gurl I want to wake up at the blackbutt crack of dawn and watch my Today Show, Wendy Williams, and my View! 
What am i gonna do if I don't have my Hot Topics each day? 
 Saturday was my cousin Nadia and Nadeige 25th birthday. We went to Murphy's at the Virginia Highlands. The waiters were trippin but the food was good and so was the atmosphere so it was alright. Afterwards we went to see MegaMind at Atlantic Station Regal Movie theater. Why everything gotta be in 3D nowadays? I know i'm not the only b!+%h that get's headache's from those glasses.
 I'm gonna tell you that I think Haitian are hilarious (I don't give a d@%m that i'm biased) you are never going to be around such a funny group of people. And we can dance. Plus we good looking. What's our flaw? We crazy MotherFathers! And we let people know it. 
  What i'm trying to say is that aside from the craziness we haitians would make good wifeys. Just go find a Haitian you can keep up with. Cause so far I haven't found one that can keep up with me! 

Post Scriptum: The guy in the picture who was dubbed "not fine" yeah he wasn't fine cause well cause it was either he was white or cause he was on the Jazz team. I haven't chosen yet.  

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