Sunday, 24 October 2010

Dramatic Reading of Breakup Letters

 So I keep wondering why people seem to like my blog Jersey Meets Europe so much. (Cause I really don't understand why you want to read what I've got to say) Then i found out that dramatic readings of breakup letters are a huge hit right now. Especially on Youtube. I guess that is why Jersey Meets Europe is so popular. Everyone wants to hear about someone's bad break up. That's okay. Cause I would too! Plus I am writing about it and so I do expect people might read it. You know what would be fun? To get a group of girls, get our old journals, and read them together in the most super serious voice we can muster. You'll read about all your past crushes and ex-boyfriends and how your parents ruined your life. It will just show you that things that you never thought you would get over, that day you thought was the most important day in the world, the best date ever. May not have been. If your still living then there are still "the best" yet to come.
   By the way this video i've posted is hilarious! Have you watched it yet? It a true letter sent to a guy after a bad break up. And I thought my writing style and grammar was horrendous! Psh whenever I think i've had a bad day, somebody has had worse. Whenever I think my day can't get any worse, someone else has just found out they are about to have an unplanned pregnancy!  
From my journal:
 March 31 2005, 
 Elder Nance is leaving tomorrow. My first Elder, the one who baptized me. The one who is cute and understands me alot. 
 before he left he even gave me his email and phone number from back home. Which might mean he might have a bit of an interest (in me!?)
 They transfered him to Irvington, New Jersey. He lives close but he can't visit me and I can visit him. Which totally f&%*ing sucks. So now I have to find out where he lives. SO I can visit him once and a while. 
 I'm so tired of change so much. I'm tired of life. 
 This is probably one of the worst days in my life. Including when everyone had forgotten my birthday.
 I wanted to hug him so much, but it's probably another of those stupid rules. 
 You know what I realized he must like me or have a small crush. Because he left right when it was almost my birthday. 
 I'm tired of me, life, and everything in general. 
 Akon- Lonely is on right now. So appropriate. 
 After all that my hair is still not done! 
 I just feel like no one cares enough about me to give me the time of day. 

Friday, 22 October 2010

Cougar's Town

 Tonight Briana P., Danielle B. and I took our brothers out on a date. We were sucky dates though. We went to a play but we got the time wrong so we got there about twenty minutes into it. Then we us girls were cheap so we only got appetizers and dessert. But we were the best dates because we got them Molten Cakes. Three of them!  So I think it balances out. The three boys ranged from one being active, inactive, and a non member of the church. It was nice to bring them all together and see them really get along. 
 By the way my brother was the best date. He was hilarious, adorable and we matched! Gray and Black. Which by the way gray is  included in my favorite colors. I like this idea of sibling dates and I'm sure there will be more in the future. It's like since the break up i've realized how much my family means to me. How much they sacrifice for me and really care for me. So i'm showing gratitude by taking them out when I can or spending time with them. 
 Tonight I was a cougar by taking out a 16yr old to a play and dinner. 
But since Briana and Danielle did it too, and we got permission from the boys parents (just as Micheal Jackson did) then i think we're okay. Courtney Cox watch out!

Monday, 18 October 2010


 Jersey met German boy. German boy liked Jersey. Jersey was stupid and was head over heels. Jersey had made plans to go to Germany. 
 Those are the actual words I used before the break up. (See I knew I was was stupid to do this from the beginning)
 To finish the story. German boy and Jersey are broken up. 
 Now I am a single lady again. Funnier than before. (Not because of the situation, just because by fact Jersey get's funnier and funnier everyday) I don't want to stop writing cause I don't have a boyfriend (NOW) cause I don't think I am funnier with or without a boyfriend. But I do get better material from the boyfriends to make it easier to bring the funny to you. So I want this blog to be about Just Jersey. The events and people that interact with me.
  For those true Jersey Addicts who want to know. I still haven't cried since the breakup. It is still clocked at 8 minutes. Though I have gotten that sad feeling in my heart. But then it goes away pretty fast. I wonder if I still allowed to wallow?
 Tomorrow I am going on a date with a guy that i've know for about a year now. We are going to Netherworld Haunted House. The perfect place for material to bring lots of funnyness for the next post. I'll take pictures for the visual learners.
 Jersey is about to do what she know best. Gettin some. (Mormon Get Some not Regular Get Some)